Welcome to our Facial Rejuvenation page at ACU TCM REIKI. Discover how our services can help reduce wrinkles and improve facial complexion.

Facial Acupuncture

Our Cosmetic Acupuncture treatment is based on the TCM principles and involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the face, promoting collagen production and reducing wrinkles. This natural technique enhances facial complexion and rejuvenates your skin.

Cosmetic Acupuncture is safe and effective, providing natural solutions for reducing wrinkles and skin sagging.

Benefits of cosmetic acupuncture

  • Improves muscle tone
  • Improves frown lines, lines around mouth and eyes
  • Prevents fine lines from becoming deeper
  • Nourishes the skin from inside
  • Tightens the pores, and brightens the eyes
  • Safe compared to surgery or botox
  • Controls acne
  • Brightens the eyes

Treatment protocol

It is recommended to have 12 treatments in a row, once every week. Subsequently once a month treatments are needed to maintain the results achieved.​Promotes collagen production

“I am amazed by the results of my Facial Acupuncture treatment. My wrinkles have diminished, and my skin looks radiant and youthful.”

[Patricia W.]