Skin Conditions

Discover how Acupuncture, and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help alleviate various skin conditions at ACU TCM REIKI. Our holistic approach focuses on addressing the root cause of skin issues to promote long-lasting relief and overall well-being.

Natural Healing for Eczema

Eczema is a common skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and inflamed patches. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine offer natural solutions to help alleviate eczema symptoms by balancing the body's energy flow and addressing underlying imbalances that contribute to flare-ups. Our experienced practitioners will create a personalized treatment plan to target your specific needs and promote skin health.

Relief for Psoriasis and Hives

Psoriasis and hives are chronic skin conditions that can be challenging to manage. Through Acupuncture and TCM, we aim to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and strengthen the immune system to alleviate psoriasis flare-ups and hives outbreaks. Our holistic approach focuses on restoring harmony within the body to promote skin healing and prevent future recurrences.

Healing Skin Rashes with Holistic Care

Skin rashes can be triggered by various factors, including allergies, stress, and imbalances in the body. At ACU TCM REIKI, we offer holistic care that combines Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and REIKI to address the root cause of skin rashes and promote healing from within. Our integrative approach aims to not only alleviate symptoms but also enhance overall well-being for long-term skin health.

Skin Conditions in TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, views skin conditions as an imbalance in the body. To better explain the role of different internal organs in skin conditions, we need to discuss five elements theory in TCM terms.

Each of  body's 5 major internal organs is associated with an element, emotion and can be affected by natural pathogens. Now we consider them based on the 5 elements theory.


LR -- HE --  SP -- LU -- KI


Liver's element is wood, it pertains to anger, growth, extension, softness, harmony, flexibility. (Wood feeds fire) and can be affected by wind. The Liver is the mother of Heart and can balance or control Spleen.

Heart's element is fire, it pertains to joy, draught, heat, flaring, ascendance, movement. (Fire creates earth[ash]) and can be affected by heat. The Heart is the Child of the Liver and the mother of Spleen and can balance or control the Lungs.

Spleen's element is earth, it pertains to thinking, growing, changing, nourishing, producing. (Earth bears metal) and can be affected by dampness. The Spleen is the child of the Heart and the mother of Lungs and can balance or control the Kidneys.

Lung's element is metal, it pertains to sadness, strength, firmness, killing, cutting, cleaning up. (Metal carries water as in a bucket) and can be affected by dryness. The Lungs are the child of Spleen and the mother of Kidneys and can balance or control the Liver.

Kidney's element is water, it pertains to fear, moisture, cold, descending, flowing. (Water nourishes wood) and can be affected by cold. The Kidneys are the children of the Lungs and can balance or control the Heart.

So this shows how our emotions and external factors can affect an organ and eventually our skin.



Since there are numerous skin conditions, it is not possible to lay out the treatment plans for all of them., practically we need to differentiate the root causes, identify the patterns according to the TCM, and move ahead with the treatment plan.


Skin Conditions Treatment Plan based on TCM:

Usually acupuncture is applied first, and if the condition does not improve reasonably time wise, then herbal medicine can be added to the plan.


In most cases Heat is one of the major pathogens affecting skin (heat can be caused by emotional factors, diet, life style and toxicity, which can cause dryness, and in turn dryness causes wind manifesting as itchiness. Heat can cause redness.

Dampness can cause oozing and more severe itchiness when combined with heat.

Depending on the intensity of pathogenic factors, the severity of the conditions vary.


In most cases acupuncture points to clear heat, wind and dampness will be applied. In terms of herbal remedies the same principles can be followed after the diagnosis and differentiation.


Ready to take control of your skin conditions?

Contact ACU TCM REIKI today to schedule a consultation and start your journey to healthier skin.